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Oct 11, 23
Jan 11, 20
# Listings

Welcome to my catalog

This is the daylilycatalog.com example catalog. You can use this section to tell a little bit about yourself or your garden.

I grow approximately 1,000 named daylilies and a few thousand of my own seedlings. My collection includes a wide variety of forms, including spiders, unusual forms, and doubles. My current hybridizing focus is double and white daylilies. I have been an AHS Display Garden for several years.

Order info

Minimum order is $20.00. The list price is for a double fan. A double fan can sometimes share one root system and dormant plants can be small here.

Please email me to check availability. Sometimes, I may be able to sell a daylily that is listed as “display"(list will not show price).

I accept checks or Paypal payment.

Shipping Info

Or share details, like how you handle orders and how much you charge for shipping.
I ship Priority Mail (USPS) the same day I dig, Monday or Tuesday, to ensure delivery before the weekend. Shipping is $13.00 for up to 3 plants, plus $1.00 for each additional plant.

Special Sale!

Or share information about a sale you are having. You can write as much, or as little, as you like in this section.


Seedlings - 2020

This is an example of a list. Each list can have an unlimited number of daylilies and you can add as many lists as you like. Write a short description that will appear on your profile page on the list card and the top of the list page.

31 listings

Seedlings - 2019

This is an example of a list. Each list can have an unlimited number of daylilies and you can add as many lists as you like. Write a short description that will appear on your profile page on the list card and the top of the list page.

18 listings

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210 listings

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A Few Bucks More image

A Few Bucks More


test public note

A Few Good Men image

A Few Good Men

Bell-T., 2009, Tetraploid, Evergreen, peach with purple eye and edge above green throat.

Abalone Bite image

Abalone Bite

Suspendisse potenti. In eleifend quam a odio. In hac habitasse platea dictumst.

After the Fire image

After the Fire

Donec diam neque, vestibulum eget, vulputate ut, ultrices vel, augue. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Donec pharetra, magna vestibulum alique...

Agent of Change image

Agent of Change

In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Etiam faucibus cursus urna. Ut tellus.

Aldersgate image



Morbi porttitor lorem id ligula. Suspendisse ornare consequat lectus. In est risus, auctor sed, tristique in, tempus sit amet, sem.

All Branched Out image

All Branched Out


In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Morbi vestibulum, velit id pretium iaculis, diam erat fermentum justo, nec condimentum neque sapien placerat ante. Nulla justo.

All I want for Christmas image

All I want for Christmas

Fusce consequat. Nulla nisl. Nunc nisl.

Almost A Rainbow image

Almost A Rainbow


Anderson-H., 2007, Diploid, Evergreen, paul mauve wine bicolor with dark red band and flesh edge above green throat.

Alvatine Taylor image

Alvatine Taylor


Proin eu mi. Nulla ac enim. In tempor, turpis nec euismod scelerisque, quam turpis adipiscing lorem, vitae mattis nibh ligula nec sem.

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